Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs) are one of the worst kinds of injuries that can leave a victim suffering for a lifetime. It can also have serious impacts on the mental and emotional well-being of the victim.


Mostly TBIs are caused due to severe automobile collisions. The first thing any logical person needs to do after such a mishap is seek medical attention on an immediate basis. After the initial diagnosis, what they should need is a personal injury lawyer to look into the case.


In this excerpt, we will discuss the most common types of TBIs that victims suffer due to severe automobile accidents.

traumatic brain injuries

Most Common Types Of TBIs

Let us address the topic right away and take a look at the most common types of TBIs that are caused by automobile accidents-

  • Hematoma

In some cases of severe automobile accidents, the injuries can lead to the rupturing of the blood vessels in the brain. Hematoma occurs when blood gushing out of these ruptured vessels gets collected outside these blood vessels. Depending on the size and location of the injury, hematomas can exert dangerous pressure on the brain, and might also require surgery to remove the clot.

  • Contusions

A contusion is a bruise on the brain's surface and typically occurs when the head strikes an object, such as the windshield or steering wheel, during a collision. Symptoms can range from mild to severe and may include nausea, vomiting, seizures, and loss of consciousness. Hiring a Burbank personal injury lawyer is necessary as they would look into the intricacies and help extract the maximum compensation from the accused party.

  • Diffuse Axonal Injury (DAI)

DAI is one of the most severe types of traumatic brain injuries that causes the brain to shift vigorously back and forth within the skull. This is the result of accidents caused at breakneck speeds. The shearing forces can damage nerve cells and their connections, leading to widespread cognitive and physical impairments. DAI can have long-lasting effects, requiring extensive rehabilitation and ongoing medical care.

  • Skull Fractures

Severe automobile accidents can often lead to skull fractures, which can result in brain injury if bone fragments penetrate the brain tissue. Even if the bones don’t penetrate, skull fractures are still fatal, and can increase the risk of other brain injuries. Skull fractures are the root causes behind Hematoma and Contusions. Prompt medical evaluation and possible surgical intervention are crucial when skull fractures occur.

  • Cerebral Edema

Cerebral edema is a swelling of the brain that can occur after an automobile accident. It is often a result of other brain injuries, such as contusions or hematomas. Swelling can increase pressure within the skull, potentially causing damage to brain tissue and restricting blood flow. Immediate medical attention is necessary to manage cerebral edema and reduce its effects.

So, these are some of the many common types of TBIs that occur after a severe automobile accident. Hiring a personal injury lawyer seems helpful as they would fight for you and try to extract the compensation you deserve for your losses.

Also Read: What Kind Of Personal Injury Cases Demand Full Compensation?